Thursday, Nov 7 2024 14:00
to Monday, Nov 11 2024 15:00

Nature & Adventure Circle

The Nature and Adventure Circle (NAC), BARC Staff Club has been organizing an All-India Nature and Adventure Camp for the wards of DAE employees. This year too, the Nature and Adventure Camp will be organized at Ambivali, near Karjat. The objective of the camp is to promote the spirit for adventure among the youngsters, as adventure activities inculcate courage, patience, determination, leadership, confidence, team spirit and cultivate a love for the environment and respect for nature and infusing a sense of camaraderie in their minds through camping experience.

PARTICIPATION: The Camp will be conducted between 7thand 10th November 2024 at “Vana-Vihar” Camp Site at village Ambivali, Karjat (Dist. Raigad). The camp site is located at about 95 kms from Mumbai.

  1.  The participation in the camp will be open to all students (boys and girls) in the age group of 9 to 13 years (i.e., born between 31st Mar 2011 and 1st Apr 2015) whose parents are employed in DAE& its constituent units.
  2.  The maximum number of participants will be limited to 75, including 25 from Units other than from Mumbai & Tarapur (Fresher / Newcomers will be given preference over repeaters. Please note that repeaters will not get any subsidy).
  3.  All the children will be staying in the camp during this period for all the four days.
  4.    The participants will leave Mumbai by bus on 7thNovember and will return on evening of 10thNovember 2024 after completion of the Camp.
  5.  They will undertake activities like Nature trail, Bird watching, Rappelling, Rock climbing, River Crossing, Obstacle course, Hiking, Star gazing, etc.
  6.  Nature and Adventure Circle of BARC Staff Club will take the responsibility of organizing the Camp with the expertise of trained mountaineers and will be assisted by well-experienced camp leaders.
  7.  Participation fees: Rs.6500/- (for Fresher/New comers) &Rs.7000/- (for Repeaters) is to be paid by cheque drawn in favor of “BARC staff club”. Apart from this, a subsidy amount of Rs. 500/- per participant is anticipated from DAE Sports &Cultural Council for freshers.

ENROLMENT: Forms will be available at: GIRISANCHAR website. WWW.GIRISANCHAR.COM
Completed enrolment forms in all respects with two photographs and with cheque [Rs.6500/ for freshers & Rs 7000/- for Repeaters] will be accepted from 30.09.2024 to10.10.2024. In case of oversubscription, there will be draw at New Community Centre, Anushaktinagar on 12/10/2024 at 1900 hrs. The final list of the participants will be announced on 13.10.2024and will be communicated to the parents.  
Completed form will be accepted at Girisanchar Office, Ground Floor, Vrindavan Building, Anushaktinagar between 07.00 to 08.00 pm. Outstation participants are requested to send the completed forms to Shri. Vinod Khanvilkar, L&CM Office, Old R-5 Shed, Near BARC Credit Society, BARC Mumbai 400085.
Camp Co-ordinator : Shri Sandesh Palshetkar (Ph: 25594508 (O), Mobile:9930111331)
Email id :

Cancellation/Refund rules: Deductions of Rs. 100/- till 26/10/2024, deduction of Rs. 700/- between 27/10/2024 to 31/10/2024 and no refund on or after 01/11/2024.

Contact Details

DAE Sports and Cultural Council

Sandesh Palshetkar (Ph: 25594508 (O), Mobile:9930111331)

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